About Zelia
When the student is ready the teacher appears. My guest, Zelia Malherbe, has built an amazing organization, earned top recognition for personal and group performance, promoted to the Vice President Sales Leader position and leads one of the top organizations in Norwex.
It’s not a surprise, considering Zelia is constantly evolving herself through many forms of education and coaching. I know this first hand since I have had the pleasure of coaching with Zelia in Lifeline’s Million Dollar Protege Leadership Program, and I have witnessed, first hand, her commitment and promise to provide her team with extraordinary activities, resources and mentoring! If I had to choose one word that best describes Zelia, it’s perseverance. She has hit obstacles and adversities HEAD ON and consults with God to guide her.
In 2008, Zelia and her family moved to Australia. Six months later she hosted a Norwex party and was offered the business opportunity. Zelia wasn’t interested in joining because public speaking terrified her. A few weeks later, Zelia realized that she needed to start earning an income again so she could justify personal expenditures separate from her family budget. She joined Norwex through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and the rest, my friends, is history!
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.