Your Blueprint to Manifesting Your Most Important 2014 Goal!

By December 23, 2013November 26th, 2014All Articles, Motivation, Video

What is the most important intention you have for 2014? An intention is a goal that’s clearly defined, purposeful and evokes your passion! Have you created an action plan for that intention? So, what’s an action plan?

An action plan is a blueprint that supports the creation of your intention.  There are two very important aspects of an action plan.  First are the actions you will take to become the person you must become in order to bring that which you desire into fruition.  Meaning, success doesn’t just derive from what you do, it’s who you are.

So the big question you will want to constantly ask yourself  is, “Who must I become in order to attract my deepest intentions to my front door?” And then, become it! Watch my entire video training below. Don’t see the video? Click here to view it online.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What’s yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Jennifer says:

    This is great stuff Steve. I told myself that this spring I’m becoming the first director in Quebec City. I’ve really improved my game plan but I need to write it out so it’s really clear. This way I always know what I should be doing to reach my goal of director. I also want to recruit 40 consultants this year. I’m really feeling like I can do it too. I just have to follow my business action plan:-) thanks a lot for this Steve:-)

  • Brandi says:

    Thank you for giving examples. Being in this business for the past yr and a half but having no prior experience with Direct Sales, language is critical. These are the tools so many of us need to find our own words. Thank you!

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