What are your core values? What makes life worth living?

By December 17, 2013November 26th, 2014All Articles, Motivation, Video

Most of us set goals that focus on an outcome instead of a goal that brings us immense fulfillment.  The why always wins over the what!  The why gets you up in the morning; it’s your passion, your purpose, your values all wrapped up into one beautiful package. Essentially the why ignites your passion!  And when you’re passionate about something it ignites your creativity and then the willpower kicks in.  The why will sustain you during adverse times!

Watch my short video and get a pen and paper to score yourself with my short assessment. Then take my challenge–and share your takeaways on my Facebook wall at www.facebook.com/SteveWiltshireLifeline. =

Love and success,

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.



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