Why do most representatives find themselves with more cancellations
instead of more profits in December?
Why do consultants start their New Year with very few parties
instead of a calendar full of excited hostesses?
Why do leader’s group commissions suffer in
December and early January?
Quick Tips for Hot Holiday Profits
The “drop out” syndrome happens as we transition from one year to the next. Statistics prove that more consultants leave their direct sales company or become inactive from mid-December to January.
Many representatives notice hostesses rescheduling or canceling their parties immediately following Thanksgiving. So what happens when a December hostess reschedules her party for the end of January? You got it … they end up canceling because of lack of interest! A lot can happen in six weeks. Let’s face it, the most successful parties are hostesses that book from our present parties within 3 to 4 weeks. If we lack parties in December, we lose serious momentum for the New Year!
WHAT’S THE ANSWER? We must learn how to keep the momentum going by giving your hostesses and guests an experience that leaves them saving, “WOW! I didn’t expect to experience this. This is the best party I’ve ever been to.” The big question is “HOW?”
What does this mean to you? “The value we offer is always determined by the other… no exceptions!” Think about that statement for a moment. What does it mean to you? Your hostesses determine whether or not they’re going to hold their party with you and if you’re a leader, your consultants determine the value you offer them.
What I love about this principle is that it actually gives you an opportunity to think about what you offer, whether you’re serving guests at a party, your organization or your spouse. Isn’t that really what intuition is all about? A kind of internal listening if you will. “What do they want? What’s important to them? What would wow her? What would have these consultants follow me? What would have them be more curious about my business?” When we take the time to look at life or a situation through the lens of others, the answers actually appear as if by magic!
What does this have to do with generating mega holiday profits? Times have changed, the fact is, you have a lot of competition with holiday parties, holiday shopping, holiday school events, decorating, etc. Average just isn’t cutting it anymore! When you put out average, average circulates back to you and in this case, it circulates back to you in the form of a call from your hostess saying,“I’m so sorry, everyone is too busy and I’m going to have to cancel my party for December.” The answer is to be extraordinary and give extraordinary!
Why don’t more direct sales professionals have great results in December? After all, it’s a great time of the year to connect with others and shop from our seat and not from our feet!
The problem is, most of us sign up for mediocrity and we’re so busy following social convention during the holidays that we let our businesses go; we find ourselves giving average when it comes to connecting with hostesses, creating extraordinary themes, mailing invitations that blow our guests away and putting on a stellar performance that leaves our guests saying, “This was by far the best party I’ve ever been to!”
On behalf of all the staff and coaches at Lifeline, we’re grateful to have the opportunity to serve you!
Joy and Success,
Steven Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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The content in this article is copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Do not republish without permission, but feel free to link to this article. For permission to reprint, contact amy [at] lifelinecoaches.com.
I am always inspired after listening to Steve’s tips. I was typing like a maniac to send some of these tips to my TEAM. I know they will fall prey to the holiday drop out syndrome, so hopefully this will help them to stay on track. Thanks for great reminders!!!
I can hardly wait for this tele seminar!! I like your style!!