A quick and effective way to share your business opportunity this summer!
Summer is right around the corner and it’s a more challenging time of the year to engage someone that you want to share your business opportunity with to attend a live, conference call or Facebook Opportunity Event. They key is to capture their attention–have a conversation with them and then email them an extraordinary engaging email with links leading them to resources about your business opportunity.
Ideally what you want is a conversation. A conversation can’t happen through text, a Facebook message or voicemail. Sometimes it’s as simple as inviting the local individuals that you want to share your business opportunity with to a special party or event and telling them that you’d love to connect with them. Or inviting the individuals outside of your local community to a virtual party and having a reason to connect with them beyond your motive to share your business opportunity. Remember, what you want is a conversation with them.
The essence of our industry is philosophy, systems and approach.
This is where you need to use your head and your heart. What do you know about them? What might get them to call you back? How about spending a little time on their Facebook page and notice what’s happening in their life and if they’re active on Facebook write an acknowledgement on their wall about them, not your business opportunity or send them a text to see how they are and rev up dialog and set up a time to chat and see how they are.
How about a card in the mail? I still think cards are a very effective way to connect because most people don’t send cards anymore. I have clients who are recruiting 40, 60, 80 recruits a year who have stellar results with cards. They sit down with their family to watch a movie and in 90 minutes have written 25 cards to send to individuals they want to connect with about their business opportunity. If they’re local they add an invitation to some kind of event with a splash of confetti. Ironically they don’t even write anything about their business opportunity. They simply acknowledge, inspire and connect.
You really have to determine how you’ll approach your candidates and make that personal connection and enroll them in possibility. And every situation might be a little different. I define enrollment as “Having conviction and passion about something you want to offer someone and asking enough questions to discover the value it holds for them.” Enrollment is an energy you exude, a passion that you radiate and a vision that you hold for them and you.
Where are we? Well, you’ve created your roadmap–your “Who’s Talented, Who is Interested and Who Has Potential” list. It’s an ongoing list of individuals you want to share your business opportunity with. That’s your first step and then second, you want to determine creative ways to reach out to the individuals on your TIP list.
If they’re local you might consider inviting them to a party at your home. Schedule a fun theme party for your local candidates. With this model you have a real comfortable process as to how to invite and connect with your local candidates. Meaning, if you mail them an awesome card, add an extraordinary invitation flier in the card, a splash of confetti and an authentic connecting message on the card.
How about some of your candidates that are on your “Who’s Talented, Interested and Who Has Potential” list who live outside of your local community? How might you approach them? Well, obviously you don’t have a party to invite them to unless you create a creative virtual event so your approach is totally different.
Remember, what you want is a phone conversation with everybody, but it might take a card in the mail, writing an inspirational message on their Facebook page or an engaging text that creates dialog and then it will lead to a conversation.
During the conversation authentically share your reasons for sharing your business opportunity with them and simply ask them if they would take 15 minutes to watch a few videos about your company’s mission and income stream opportunity.
This email template has supported hundreds of my clients and Protege members in creating interest that lead to new team members joining their company. I call this an email invitation. This is a template for quickly moving into the opportunity. Here it’s is!
Invitation Email Template for Speed Recruiting:
Janie, I acknowledge you for taking the time to learn more about the (Your company) opportunity and our business model to support you in creating a lucrative income stream.
During this video you’ll learn more about our income stream opportunity, extraordinary product line and our extraordinary mentoring team who will coach and support your journey if you choose to endeavor the path with us. I have attached a link leading you to a short summary of our products and compensation.
[Add a link leading them a web page or video about your products and compensation plan]
Our country is changing. The industrial age is over. Our teenagers will not have the same opportunities previous generations experienced in Corporate America. Why, technology and overseas competition. I have a personal mission to coach and guide others how to create their own strong economy. That is one of the reasons I moved forward with (Your Company). I want to invite you to watch a trailer video (about 2 minutes) on the “Rise of the Entrepreneur.” It will give you a snapshot of what the future holds for us and our world at large.
Whether you’re interested in receiving the products at wholesale, tax savings, creating an additional income stream or building your rendition of an ideal career, I am here to answer your questions and support you in making a decision that’s ideal for you. I have attached a link leading you to a short video that will give you a snapshot of the mission of our company and the huge impact we are making in guiding others on how to create their own strong economy and a life they love.
[Add link leading them to an inspirational video about your company’s mission]
This template has generated so much interest and conversion for my clients. I am awestruck by their results. Block out time to mold and shape your invitation email, TIP list and how you’ll approach your candidates. It’s an excellent format and IT WORKS!
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.