Complimentary Recording:
‘Scheduling Holiday & New Year Parties’
Includes a 3-minute ‘booking commercial’ for December & January
There’s a big difference between promoting a holiday party and promoting a New Year party. It’s really the only time of the year that we have such a dramatic difference as to the reasons why guests decide to host.
Think about it. In December the focus is on hosting a fun friend’s night out holiday party while decorations are up and serving holiday beverages while guests shop from their seat and not on their feet. It’s a great time to connect with friends and you, of course, make it easy by offering cash and carry, gift wrapping, gift bags with tissue paper, holiday cards; and how about glass stones with an inspirational word.
It’s a totally different game in January. It doesn’t matter where you are, January is gloomy for most people. The excitement of the holidays is over. Credit card bills are on their way, and going to the park is out of the question for most of us unless we want to freeze our ‘Cutie Patootie’ off.
Obviously it’s time for an escape, great conversations, and time to give ourselves a token of personal satisfaction – that special something just because. I’m obviously talking about your guests and when you paint a picture of value and you show up, you will attract hostesses. So whether you want to attract holiday parties or New Year parties, the key is to only focus and share the benefits of hosting their holiday party. When you’re completely booked for December then share why January is such an ideal time to have a “Friends Night Out Party.”
Ok… there is one exception. Do you know what it is? It’s when you get that objection, “I just can’t do anything else in December.” That’s when you paint the New Year picture and partner with them in creating an extraordinary experience for their guests.
I want to challenge you to craft an incredible booking commercial/scoop to deliver during your party experiences. Focus on the December experience and host benefits until you’re satisfied with the number of parties you have scheduled in your calendar!
During the recording I’ll give you my three minute booking commercial for December and January. For example, when you’re sharing your December booking commercial share your cause, theme, hostess gifts, invitation and special dates. Take the time and create your December and January extraordinary booking commercial or scoop.
Can I ask you a question? I’m curious. What do you want? What would amplify your soul so that you’d commit to creating extraordinary experiencing to everyone that you came in contact with and that, through your acts of service, you might attract more than you could even imagine? I want to invite you to step into excellence and join me for my last course of 2010, “Launching Your Greatest Holiday And New Year EVER” Course.
This is for direct sales professionals who want to maximize their holiday sales and start the New Year with a full calendar of parties, launch parties, and JOB SECURITY!
Click here for the details.
Joy and Success,
Steven Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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The content in this article is copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Do not republish without permission, but feel free to link to this article. For permission to reprint, contact amy [at] lifelinecoaches.com.
Hey Steve,
I was on you call last Wed. night and it really inspired me and has me motivated. Thank you for boosting my confidence and helping me to think othermindedness (is that a word?). I’m working on my campaign for the Sunday after Thanksgiving and can’t wait to help raise money for those that will benefit from it.
I have chosen to raise $1000 for Solve House. It’s a non-profit organization that helps women who are pregnant that have no where to turn. This has been our women’s ministries groups outreach and I want to go a little farther with it.
Thanks again for your ideas and inspiration.
That’s awesome, Celia, I really love to hear that!