Complimentary recording
“How to Save Hours of Confusion Through Planning
Your Week and Month in Advance.”
CLICK HERE to download the MP3
Often when I start working with new clients that are out of balance, and they share their frustration with their schedule, I ask them this question, “If I were to look at your calendar over the last three months, how much time would I notice that you have scheduled for planning and organizing? I mean, that you actually scheduled time to plan your day, plan your week, and forecast your month. How about organization? How much time do you schedule weekly to get your environment organized; meaning time weekly to check e-mail, create action lists, file documents, schedule project times, and analyze your month?” Most often I hear “I don’t!”
Isn’t planning and organizing paramount? Isn’t it the foundation of all that you do? Imagine what a difference that could make in your summer if you were acutely aware of where your time was being spent, and how you desired prioritizing your time.
Well, let’s discuss a system that will support you.
- Schedule your intentional and fixed appointments six weeks out. What does that mean? Fixed appointments are appointments that are usually confirmed, and intentional appointments are appointments you expect to make happen. For example, you might choose to schedule a party every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and allow that you might not have a party scheduled every Tuesday and Saturday throughout the six weeks, but you schedule the date in your calendar anyway, with the expectation that you eventually will. Each week, notice that you have every fixed activity and intentional activity in your schedule for six weeks. Let me give you an example…
Fixed Activities
Conference calls
Confirmed Parties
Confirmed hostess coaching appointments
Children’s Activities
Date nights
Organizations and church activities
Intentional Activities (opportunities that you wish to happen)
Preferred party dates
Preferred hostess coaching dates
Connection calls
Available times to mentor consultants
Weekly time to organize
Weekly time to plan
After the first time, you’ll notice how easy this is… each week you’ll simply be planning your sixth week and carrying your fixed activities and intentional activities into that particular week.
As Tony Robbins says, “Americans have the greatest opportunities in the world and the most challenging schedules. We must plan our life by scheduling everything and then commit to it 85% of the time and be flexible with ourselves and others 15% of the time.”
Joy and Success,
Steven Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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The content in this article is copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Do not republish without permission, but feel free to link to this article. For permission to reprint, contact amy [at]