066 – Interview with Peggy Riggins

Peggy Riggins for the Leadership Lifeline
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About Peggy

When we live by our purpose, all the hosts of heaven show up in our lives. We seem to attract the ideal situations, people and opportunities to gift our purpose to others.

Our guest, Peggy Riggins, lives her life with purpose. In fact, all of Peggy’s decisions revolve around her purpose to bestow wellness and vitality to the world and to engage others to be intentional about honoring the mind, body and spirit!

Peggy has built a very successful organization and was able to leave her career as a pharmacist to pursue her passion within her direct sales company.

Peggy is faith driven, passionate, inspiring and loves evoking the potential in everyone that crosses her path.  I believe her success in life comes from living an authentic life, walking her talk and leading by example.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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