My morning ritual that guides my day

We either create by design or osmosis! So often the challenges, poor decisions and reactions to others are a result of us not intentionally setting up our day. “Where the mind goes, the man or women follows.” Thoughts held in mind, duplicate in like kind.

How do you set up your day? Do you have a morning ritual?

I begin my day at 6 am by drinking a very nutritional green drink full of vitamins and minerals and then immediately meditate. I used to think meditation had to look a certain way, but after reading much about meditation and prayer time, I’ve come to the conclusion that we must design our ideal practice.

I light a candle and start to breath deep and THANK GOD for my life! Then I ask God, “What do you want me to pay attention to today and lead me to who I may inspire and empower?” I have a general theme that’s leads me to an amplified state of joy, gratitude and love!

I ask myself these three questions:

  1. What am I grateful for? I allow my mind and spirit to move deeply into a state of appreciation.
  2. What is my act of service today? I search for someone to serve, acknowledge or give something of value.
  3. Who will I pray for today? I’ve learned that the greatest gift I can give someone is to pray for them instead of worry, enable or take responsibility for something that is out of my realm of control, especially with those that are close to me. Doing this, will free up your heart and your mind so you can move into your day focused on what’s in your realm of control and serve others to your greatest capacity.

I end by reading my “I am statements.” Here are a few of mine…

I bring out the best in others! I listen to the needs of others! I am in the moment! I operate in a state of excellence! I am equipped with everything I need! When I am negative, fearful or confused I pause and seek God’s guidance! I am love and light!

I always choose one attribute for the day that I will embody and I step into it!

For example, focused, fun, enthusiastic, energetic, present, joyful, grateful, etc. Ironically, it’s sometimes opposite of how I feel. Meaning, if I feel tired, I might take on energetic, or if I feel overwhelmed, I might take on focused. I am amazed at the grace that comes when you visualize the opposite of what you’re feelings. It’s as if all the hosts of heaven appear to support you in embodying that attribute, so that you can contribute to everyone around you!

Vision Board

My Vision Board

I end my meditation (which I might add isn’t really that long, usually 20 minutes), reading my vision board (below). It reminds me where I am going; who I am at my best, what matters to me; AND most of all, it reminds me of my purpose.

Vision is the impulse of who and what we’re capable of. Vision is the divine adventure into self discovery where are greatest attributes are activated!

I challenge you to create your ideal morning ritual and step into your greatness and serve to your capacity!

Love and success,

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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