Making empowering choices

By July 15, 2013November 26th, 2014All Articles, Motivation, Video

The life you’re living today is in direct proportion with the choices you made yesterday. The life you’ll live tomorrow is based on the choices you make today.

In theory it appears quite simple… if you want something different than what you’re experiencing, or want a better life than what you have, just begin to make new choices–but is it that easy? Not really.  It takes guts, but only to the degree that you are willing to become aware of who you really are, what you value, will you even remotely understand the choices that will bring you joy, peace and happiness.  Meaning, you must know yourself in order to make the decision that transforms you and attracts the life you want to live.

I really believe that half the choices we make must bring us passion and that we must bring passion to the other half of the choices that involve responsibilities or our relationships.

I want to challenge you to make three choices this week that bring you immense vitality. Will you? I want to hear from you! Visit me on my Facebook wall and share your greatest takeaway from my video message today.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What’s your choice?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, LLC


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