078 – Interview with Kiersten Ray-Kuhn

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About Kiersten

Have you ever had a thought that became an idea and led to an opportunity that changed your life? My guest, Kiersten Ray-Kuhn, was looking for a job to supplement her income and after a night of wine tasting with her friends, she thought it would be fun to work for a company that created wine tasting experiences. The next day she researched online and was led to The Traveling Vineyard. She decided to join, and now is a Diamond Director and humbly leads the top team company-wide.

Kiersten has also earned several all-expense paid trips and the prestigious Spirit of Leadership Award. Some of the attributes that I believe describe Kiersten are grateful, transparent, empowering and inspirational. Her greatest passion is to mentor and coach other moms to have the freedom and abundance to put their families first and their business second, and to pay it forward.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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