About Jennifer
When the will is strong, the “how” is easy. Jennifer Finch never saw herself in direct sales, and joined her company simply to get the products at a discount; and through sharing and serving, the business naturally took a life of its own. Through Jennifer’s will to share these amazing products and help other to create their own strong economy, her business continued to grow and now she is a Vice President Sales Leader.
Jennifer has earned several top awards for sales, recruiting and many travel trips but her most precious reward of all has been instilling vision in others and believing in them when they didn’t believe in themselves. Jennifer is a “silent giant,” which is a leader that keeps the spotlight on others. Tune in to experience my interview with this incredible leader.
At 7 min. 30 seconds, hear Jennifer talk about the defining moment in which she decided to grow her vision and really go for it!
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.