About Heidi
I have had the pleasure of coaching Heidi McNall for a year, and had one major observation that changed my life. Heidi doesn’t sweat the small stuff and doesn’t focus on the problem, she focuses on the solution. Heidi has built a multi-million dollar business with her direct sales company and continues to positively impact the lives of thousands of people. In fact Heidi’s team has actually sold over $18 million in one month.
Heidi has been in the direct sales industry since 1997 but found her ideal fit 4 1/2 years ago. She’s currently the only leader who has achieved the Executive Director position in her company. Heidi is authentic, honest, steadfast, wise, determined and consistent and her focus is to live in a state positivity, integrity and to persevere regardless of the circumstance. I believe her success in life comes from living an authentic life, truly walking her talk and just leading by example.
Listen at 7 min & 25 sec, to Steve & Heidi talk about how she overcame her obstacles, and what realizations she has made to get to the point she is at today with her Direct Sales Business.
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.