Today’s post is guest writer, Melanie Moore, Director of Training & Development for Cinchshare. Try Cinchshare free for 30 days!
It’s almost impossible to not get invited to a Facebook party these days! They’ve become all the rage and for good reason: they are convenient, easily accessible and fun! If you’re in direct sales and haven’t thrown your own party just yet, we’re here to help you get started so you can feel confident and reap the rewards of hosting online parties with zero stress! Your business is bound to grow when you add Facebook parties to your marketing strategy, so let’s begin!
First, you’ll want to create your party:
You have the option of creating your Facebook party as an Event or Group. Both are great and it’s really just a personal preference so try them out to see which location you like best. You can create an Event from the Newsfeed column, your business page, or within your group, and you can create a Group from your Newsfeed.
Then it’s time to set up your party!
Make sure your host has only invited her friends that she believes would be interested in attending her party. Just like an in-home party, you want to be able to give every single guest your complete attention and make them feel special so it’s not about the quantity of guests but the quality. Before your host begins inviting people, schedule a couple pre-posts into the party so they have something to look at when they join. It’s easy to schedule your party posts with CinchShare so that you can focus on your guests and not stress about what to post! Check out our unique time saving features playlist on YouTube: http://bit.ly/cinchsavestime
Your party can take place over the course of a week, a few days, an hour or a 30 minute mini party. Again, it’s whatever format works best for you and your host. We suggest an hour for the live portion of the party with 4 to 5 days of preposts to get everyone warmed up and excited! One to two preposts a day works great and you can use engagement posts or play a game to break the ice just as you would at a home party. You’re welcome to follow our party script with this free printable: https://blog.cinchshare.com/mypartyscript
Throw multiple parties with ease!
Once you have your party posts scheduled in CinchShare, it’s really easy to use our Batch Post feature to schedule new parties in seconds! Watch this quick video to see just how simple it is which is why you’ll be able to book and manage multiple parties a week!
We hope that you feel more at ease after reading about how to get started with Facebook parties and we welcome you to connect with us if you have any questions! Want a free 30-day trial? CLICK HERE!
By guest writer:

Melanie Moore, Cinchshare
~Melanie Moore, Direct of Training & Development, Cinchshare
Melanie has been in the Direct Sales industry for more than 20 years, starting first in the field as a Consultant & Leader before moving into Corporate positions with several Direct Sales companies, all while raising a family including 4 daughters. Melanie devotes her time to working with direct sellers, entrepreneurs and business owners, helping them reach their niche market and improve their business through Social Media, effective networking and authentic relationship building.