Do you have an exceptional recruiting technique?

By February 26, 2013November 26th, 2014All Articles, Bookings and Parties, Recruiting, Video

What’s your system after someone expresses interest about your business opportunity?Is it extraordinary or typical? What’s the pickup line at a bar? Can I buy you a drink? What’s the pickup line at a Direct Sales Party? You would be so good at this!

Ironically the guest has most likely heard that pickup line at several previous parties from several previous direct sellers.  It’s typical, flat and slightly manipulating.   If you’re offended, don’t be.  I used to say it myself until I realized how ineffective it was.

During my short (6 minute) video, I’ll show you an approach that’s spacious, fun and creates an amazing connection with the person you want to share your business opportunity with.  It’s really effective especially in the marketplace. Come on, if you want to be extraordinary you must capitalize on what others don’t do and go the extra mile.  Extraordinary and average can’t live in the same world.  If you want extraordinary results you must give extraordinary service.  Here you go…

It’s an honor to be on the journey with you!

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Thanks so much Steve, this idea is great…..!!!!! I`d like to see if it could be working in my town, in Buenos Aires, Argentina…..

  • Steve, thank you for always being such an inspiration. As I sit here drinking my coffee and watching this quick video I am excited and motivated to try out your “tip” on the Opportunity Gift Bags. I am running right out today to buy my goodies & also am going to do this challenge of “10 Opp Bags in 30 days” with my team and look forward to hearing their results! Thank you for sharing and truly caring 🙂

  • Steve says:

    You are very welcome!

  • Steve says:

    You are welcome, glad to hear that!

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