What do you suppose you would need to do and change about yourself and how you lead others to develop strong business builders? Well during my free training webinar “Developing Business Builders That Sell, Recruit and Promote in 60 Days,” my focus is on my five-step blueprint on how to develop business builders that sell, recruit and promote.
1st Step: Relationship Marketing: how to discover the unrealized talent within your organization. You might not even know that you have talent just waiting to be discovered by you.
2nd Step: Enrollment; Your Irresistible Offer: enrolling others in a vision and mentoring relationship is a skill and one that you can learn and master.
3rd Step: Create environments to develop team members: Your role as a leader in direct sales is very similar to a high school coach. Anyone can sign up for a direct sales company just as any student can try out for basketball, football, cheerleading, track, band, debate team and drama. All high school coaches have one commonality. They create environments for their team to learn and some have extraordinary environments and some are typical. During this training I will show you how to create ideal environments for your team to thrive and how it will leverage your time.
4th Step: Resources: When you use resources to develop your team members it saves you time, energy and puts your rep in the driver’s seat, however the resources must be qualitative. You can’t practice your son’s guitar, your girlfriend’s salsa or your daughter’s role in a play. Leaders that have extraordinary resources with quality coaching have a much greater success rate of developing strong business builders.
5th Step: Coaching/Mentoring: Every week I interview some of the most influential leaders in Direct Sales and Network Marketing on my Leadership Lifeline on line Radio Show. I’ve noticed they all have one commonality. They’re continually evolving themselves and have worked with numerous coaches. Why? They want to take their live and business to the next level. Well the number one activity for leaders to build and develop strong producers is individual and group coaching however it’s paramount that you only offer it to team members who are willing, open and committed to coaching and being challenged.
During my webinar training replay, I’ll cover all five steps and how they intertwine like a puzzle to develop business builders that sell, recruit and promote. My full training is approximately an hour–put aside some time to watch it–and be sure to leave your feedback, I’d love to hear it!
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.