How well do you do at connecting with each guest during the shopping experience and ask discovery questions that help you, help them?
So, how do you want to be perceived by your guest?
- Fun, energetic, curious, kind, connecting, confident.
- Take on attributes that you desire becoming more of.
- Focus on eye contact, relational listening, curiosity and geography… let me explain! *Note: Listen to the recording for the details!
Consider writing a few lead lines and lead questions on a 5 x 7 card until you get familiar with the language. You’ll notice several lead-lines and questions below.
Approach your favorite guests immediately.
5 steps
- Acknowledge your guest
- Are you having fun?
- What are your favorite items on your wish list?
- Is that what you want to get tonight?
- Jackie, I want you for a hostess! How do you feel about just getting a few items tonight and let me spoil you with a shopping spree and fun friend night out party?
Utilize your guest care card, your wish list and your hostesses support
- Clipboard for you and your hostess
- Highlighter pen
- Calculator for you and your host
- Tax chart
Wish list: [Download] Okay, let’s role play this out
- Jackie, thanks for hanging out with us tonight (have fun)
- What are your favorite items on your wish list?
- Get curious: where do you see that in your home or what do you like about that?
- Keep going and continue to highlight their favorite items.
- Okay Jackie, here’s what we’ve got so far. Is this what you want to get?
- Cross off the items she doesn’t want, hand the wish list to your hostess and have her write it up.
Guest care card: [Download]
- Focus on bookings and inviting them to a future specialty event or what we call a VIP event at Lifeline.
- Notice their level of interest on hosting an event. Is it low or is it a high number
Fun lead statement:
“Jackie, I’m disappointed… you only circled a ‘4’ about having your own party. I’d love to spoil you and your friend with a fun night out! What’s holding you back?” Listen to their response. Or “Jackie, great you circled an eight about hosting your own party, what’s going to make that a 10?” Listen to their response. Prepare yourself with answers for objections.
The first word most of us learned wasn’t mommy or daddy, it was ‘no.’ It’s simply a human habit to think no or feel resistant, especially with all the demands that we’re all experiencing, but at the end of the day we all have one commonality. We want to have more fun!
We’re all tired of being so responsible. Think about it, you give women a break from children, husbands and responsibility to party with their friends, laugh and earn a bunch of goodies. It’s not complicated. And if you believe that and know your party experience rocks, it’s easy to have conviction about what you want for them!
I have a few objections, I want you to practice and own that most often shift a perspective in half of a second.
Objection: “I’m so busy. There’s so much going on!”
Answer: “Exactly my point, you need to have more fun. Sherry we’re not planning a wedding, we’re getting a few friends together to drink wine and spa. What do you think?”
Objection: “I live so far out” or “My husband hates when I do these things.”
Answer: “No worries. Let’s make it simple… we’ll have a happy hour in a Martini Lounge or a Mexican Restaurant. That way you won’t have to vacuum, cook or clean. What do you think?”
Objection: “No one ever comes to my parties”
Answer: “Well Janie you’ve never had a party with me. Let’s face it, most of these parties are boring and way too serious. It’s all about the theme, fun and appealing invitations. I’ll mail the invitations for you and just know, I’m there for 3 guests. It’s not that big of a deal and I really want to do a party for you. What do you think?”
Remember, service is the highest activity to which we can aspire!
Joy and Success,
Steven Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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The content in this article is copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Do not republish without permission, but feel free to link to this article. For permission to reprint, contact amy [at] lifelinecoaches.com.
Thanks for your always great information. A nice touch I’ve learned over the years that my Mom told me years ago really works. You may have already published it somewhere, but if not – – – if you want someone to feel that you are really listening to them, DON’T BLINK your eyes while you are listening to them, or try to very, very minimally.
Hi Steve!
Thanks for all the emails! It was great listening to you at Cindy’s Silpada event in Novi! I truly learned so wonderful insights that could be life changing!
I was actually “crashing” the party with Cindy’s blessing. I am not a Sildpa rep. I buy gold and partner with many other direct sales companies to give out lots of cash for that unwanted gold bling so guest can take that cash and shop!
However, I have recently got involved with a new jewelry line – Jewel Kade. I have passed on some of you emails and highly recommend you to come and speak at one of our events!
Thanks again! Looking forward to reading your “partnering w/your hostess”
Kim Thorell
Cash4Gold Parties LLC