Enjoy this complimentary recording on how to transition from the party experience into the shopping experience and connecting with your guests!
What do you want to experience during the shopping experience? I know… $500, $1,000, $1,500 parties, three new bookings, a couple of guests interested in the business. I definitely know what I want for every party!
- My hostess participating with the guests, and completing her wish list of free goodies instead of distracting the guests by showing her vacation photos, or showing them her brand new patio furniture.
- All guest orders complete that evening.
- Connection with guests: fun, energetic and playful.
- Guest scheduling future parties.
- High Sales.
What do you want?
In a moment, I’m going to give you a formula on how you might close your demonstration; but for now, I want to invite you to kick back and read an example of how you may want to transition from the party experience into the shopping experience. During my recording, I’ll bring it all live for you.
“In a moment, I’m going to give you an opportunity to check out the items on my display and browse through the catalog; but first, I want to once again thank Jan for a great party, for all the goodies, the pleasing atmosphere, and the fun guests… Okay ladies, let’s give it up!
So everyone, it’s self-service from here on out… if you want a glass of wine, a piece of cheese, or a cup of coffee, you’re on your own because Jan’s going to be busy picking out her free shopping and helping me write up your favorite selections. She’s going to receive many goodies tonight (for free), along with some great hostess benefits.
In a moment, I’d like to acknowledge each of you for taking the time to come out and play with us, and I’d appreciate any advice you might give me on improving the quality of my party for my future guests. I’d also like to answer any questions you might have and reiterate our specials that are available to you tonight. We’ll be closing out the sales immediately following the party, and I have a speedy shopping drawing tonight for all of you that place a small, medium, or ‘just couldn’t help myself order.’ You’re going to go into a drawing for ( )!!!”
Suggestion: 9 step formula
1. Acknowledge your hostess (red velvet foot stool)
2. Self service for the guests
3. Reiterate hostess benefits
4. Acknowledge your guests
5. Advice on improving the quality of the party
6. Answer any questions they might have
7. Reiterate customer specials
8. Closing the party sales tonight
9. Speedy shopper
What’s going to make your shopping experience extraordinary for your guests?
Joy and Success,
Steven Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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The content in this article is copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Do not republish without permission, but feel free to link to this article. For permission to reprint, contact amy [at] lifelinecoaches.com.
I want to know how to get “your tip every week!!!
You # 1 obsessed fan
You are on the mailing list, so you will receive a notification when it publishes… the only way to get the entire article is on the site. Also keep checking back. Thanks!
I have been enjoying ALL of your Tips of The Week.
I especially likeD this week, that there was a printed portion along with the audio. I couldn’t always take fast enough notes, afraid I would miss some of your great suggestions. THANKS