Christina Hanthorn

Do you ever find yourself surrounded by nay-sayers and doubters?  Are they trying to hold you back or are they trying to protect you from their fears?

Let me help you to breathe fresh air into your life and business.  Together we can build on your dreams by embracing your lost childhood enthusiasm.  With several years of experience in direct sales in a few countries, I have built and rebuilt and rebuilt again my ideal business around my three boys and our dreams.
Together we can achieve the same for you!

Coaching Opportunities – I offer once monthly, twice monthly or a specially priced ‘three times monthly’ 40-minute, one-on-one coaching sessions. Use the links below to register to enroll in recurring billing options that you may cancel at any time with 30 days notice.


Once Monthly, 40-minute ‘one-on-one’ coaching session – ($175/mo.) – CLICK HERE

Twice Monthly, 40-minute ‘one-on-one’ coaching sessions – ($300/mo.) CLICK HERE

Three Times Monthly, 40-minute ‘one-on-one’ coaching sessions – ($375/mo.) CLICK HERE

Not sure yet? CLICK HERE for a specially priced ‘Vision Coaching

Vision Coaching – This one-hour coaching session is your own personal introduction to coaching. Meet one-on-one with a Lifeline Coach and get inspired and motivated!

Become crystal clear about your current level of satisfaction and distinguish how to attain higher levels of fulfillment in the most important areas of your life. Take your business to the next level by looking at what is possible and creating a plan to get there. Special Introductory Price:  $60.00 (retail value $125.00). Click here for a Vision Coaching with Christina.