Do you have a STELLAR interview? If I were to interview the last three individuals that you interviewed and asked them to give me a score on a scale of 1 to 10 as to how well you did at sharing your business opportunity, what score do you suppose they would give you? During this short video training about developing your own stellar interview.
In this video, I will coach you how to secure your personal interviews, take your recruiting to a new level, and simultaneously learn how to effectively mentor your reps on how to master sharing their business opportunity!
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What’s your system after a guest expresses interest in learning more about your business opportunity? Do you have a system for that? And if so, how’s it working for you? Listen to a simple practice that could explode your business if you consistently handing out opportunity gifts!
BONUS: Click here to download Steve’s script ‘How to Invite Someone To Hear About Your Opportunity.’ Read More
“Listening is so close to being loved, that most people can’t tell the difference.” ~David Oxberg
Most direct sales professionals talk more than they listen which is why they’re most likely not getting what they want or miss out on much opportunity and the greatest opportunity to bless others by being in the moment. Did you know that there are three levels of listening? I want to introduce you to the first two levels of listening.
How about no cancellations or rescheduled parties? In this short video, I will share with you what my Million Dollar Protege Program Gold members are doing in my program that have diminished their rescheduled parties and cancellations.