

053 – Interview with Suzanne Holt

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About Suzanne

Deep in my heart I really believe that service is the highest activity to which we all can aspire, and Suzanne Holt’s greatest focus in life is that she serves people to her greatest capacity.

In 2014 she was awarded the Spirit of generosity award from her peers in Norwex. Suzanne has been involved in the Direct Sales industry now for 7 years and has been awarded the prestigious title as the second global Senior Vice President Sales Leader all while holding down a corporate position as a financial advisor. She has a strategic mind, is extremely focused and inspires others to grow to their greatest capacity.

Learn how this top, service minded direct sales leader turned a financial adversity into a major opportunity.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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052 – Interview with Ellen Lewis

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About Ellen

Often our adversities are disguised as opportunities to see what we are capable of.  My guest Ellen Lewis sold her business about a decade ago to free up her time for her ideal life, and took a leap of faith that she would attract the ideal opportunity.

Ellen was invited to a launch party for a friend and although the product wasn’t a fit, she saw a vision for herself in the Direct Sales Industry and stepped into action to find a company that would be ideal.

What we think about, comes about. Ellen was practicing the concepts taught in Rhonda Byrne’s best selling book and movie, “The Secret.” Ellen became very specific about what she wanted to attract in a career and one of the key components was an ideal mentor.

Fast forward almost ten years, Ellen’s journey has been a dream come true. Ellen has been recognized for many achievements and gives full credit to her amazing team. Ellen’s passion is mentoring others to lead their life and pay it forward. I’ve had the honor of supporting Ellen in Lifeline’s Million Dollar Protege Leadership Program. Ellen is a student in service of others, meaning she’s all about expanding her knowledge in service of mentor others to grow in leadership.

Find your ideal life by getting inspired with Ellen Lewis on The Leadership Lifeline, Online Radio!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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051 – Interview with Laurie Probsdorfer

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About Laurie

Laurie Probsdorfer is a leader with many strengths and maintains a level of humbleness that is unparalleled.

In the past, like many other direct sales leaders, Laurie learned how to best serve others by working in the corporate world. After becoming a mother, her husband began to travel for work. Needing a steady income, Laurie later accepted a position as an admissions councilor for a major college where she was able to utilize her natural ability to serve others allowing her to hone her skills in compassion, awareness & acceptance.

Get passionate as I delve into the depths of her service to others being the highest expectation to which we can aspire with Laurie Probsdorfer!

050 – Special “Words to Live By”

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About this episode:

Learn from the best by listening to this episode featuring these amazingly faith driven leaders Kim Young, Author of “The Game Of Uncomplicated Success,” Lisa Brunnette & Renee Poindexter.

The messages you will hear through these highlights of our very first few episodes will lead you to listen to these leaders dedicated interviews in Episodes 4, 5 & 6. Remember to bring who you are to what you do and how you learn! Thank you, Renee Poindexter.

“Being intentional with your business and leading with integrity are the most important attributes to being a successful leader.” –Lisa Brunnette

I want to thank all of our listeners by giving $1000’s of coaching products and services away to help you grow your business and continue on the path of building your own strong economy!

To enter the drawing, go to:

049 – Interview with Amanda Mascio

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About Amanda

Five years ago Amanda Mascio entered the world of direct sales but the magic came together when she found the company she is currently with.  Amanda is now one of four Senior Directors with one of the leading organizations in the company as well as the top sales and recruiting producer. Ironically, these types of successes are not at all what drives Amanda.

Tune in to hear me speak with Amanda about how she evolved her previous career into her new found direct sales passion of mentoring others to live to their greatest potential!

048 – Interview with Conner Cochran

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About Conner

Conner Cochran and her husband Jason, live their mission in all aspects of their lives. They invest much of their time giving back to the homeless and are committed to make this world a better place and bestow their blessings on every person they come into contact with in every realm of their lives.

Connor began her business not to build a large team but just to be able to move, touch and inspire women. Within only 18 months she grew an organization of over 1,500 people. Tune in to this incredible interview to hear about Conner and how her success became reality.

047 – Interview with Annelise Brown

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About Annelise:

This interview will reinvigorate your enthusiasm to build your own strong economy, whether you are just starting out or have been involved in this industry for years!

Annelise Brown was introduced to the world of Direct Sales when her revolutionary product became so popular on the product/craft show market that a friend suggested she create her company around the Direct Sales business model. Annelise’s experience is the antithesis of most in this amazing industry. Her passion and love for everything she models is absolutely contagious.

We are put here on earth to learn. Obstacles create awareness and allow us to continue evolving our strength through knowledge. Stay true to your philosophy because not everyone’s philosophy is the same.

046 – Special “Words to Live By”

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About this episode

Learn from the best by listening to this episode featuring billionaire and author of “The Eighth Grade Millionaire” Ed Mercer along with powerful leaders Tara Locklear and Dannette Klein.

The messages you will hear through these highlights of our very first episodes will lead you to listen to these leaders dedicated interviews in episodes 1, 2 & 3. Remember, Wherever you are, BE THERE!

I want to thank all of our listeners by giving $1000’s of coaching products and services away to help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS and continue on the path of building your own strong economy!

To enter the drawing, go to:

045 – Interview with Maree Cottam

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About Maree

What are you saying “NO” to? When you realize that we create our own reality here on earth, you realize that everything you encounter is a reflection of something you have gravitated towards with your own consciousness by choice. This reality really clicked for this generous leader when she was introduced to “The Secret.” Once Maree was aware of The Secret she started to notice the opportunities she was consciously bringing forth for herself and just like most of us, had a choice, to take the opportunity or not.

Many of us can seriously relate to finding our own awareness of the fact that we truly have a choice, no matter the situation. Once you become consciously aware of where you are going, clarity comes naturally. We all need to be reminded of this from day to day until it becomes your adopted habit.

After many years of conscious practice Presidential Diamond Leader, Maree Cottam, has built an organization of over 23,000 and is now in the top 1% of her company.

Maree’s story proves that seeking and evolving your awareness is the key to unlocking the main purpose for us all, which is to realize that you have a choice. You are going to LOVE this interview with this incredible soul of light and love, Maree Cottam.

“You can love people without leading them, but you can’t lead people without loving them.” -John C. Maxwell

044 – Interview with Janet Barbieto

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About Janet

Janet Barbieto has such a purity of heart, leading with her heart in full service of others first. The depth of her gratitude for everything and everyone she encounters allows Janet to create the space necessary for positive change in all lives she encounters. Janet’s disposition and life philosophy was imprinted upon her from a young age by her father, a minister and general good Samaritan.

Be inspired by this beautiful interview as we point out the importance of unconditional love, being a service minded leader and finding your sense of gratitude in your own life.