Booking Success Secret: Aspire to Service

By June 19, 2012December 1st, 2014All Articles, Bookings and Parties

Giving back isn’t necessarily about a whole lot of free shopping; it’s about how you make others feel.  It’s about leaving extraordinary voice messages that make the other person feel important whether they call you back or not.  It’s all about having extraordinary conversations that catch them by surprise.  It’s about an extraordinary party experience that blows them away.  It’s about a card or gift that they receive from you in the mail that makes them feel special and attracts them to you, and makes them want to be around you.  It’s not just about the free products.

Service is the highest activity to which we can aspire and you’re the beneficiary of that service.

Last month, I invited seven of the Platinum and Diamond members to be interviewed on my “$1 Million in 1 Year” teleseminar as to how their lives have changed through their participation in my Million Dollar Protégé Leadership Program and I was so taken back by what they shared.  After I hung up, I thought “NO WONDER THEY ARE SO SUCCESSFUL, they so get service at the core! They have developed their character.  They understand that success derives from who they are and what they think and they understand the value of creating extraordinary experiences and activities.”

Some of you are so fear based… meaning, so concerned about your life, what you’re getting or not getting, complaining about how hard it is or focused on the economy, which is really why you’re not attracting what you want.  You might be thinking “But I never show it.” Exactly, you don’t show it but who you are speaks so loud that you don’t even have to say a word.

When you have a mission and you embody that mission, really get clear about your promise to others and step into action, it’s amazing; it’s as if you have this enthusiasm and excitement that you’ve never had before and you’re able to attract greater success without even thinking about it or caring about it, because you’re so focused on what you give instead of what you gain.  It’s such a beautiful way to live!

Think about how a mission might show up in a tagline. You’re at a Starbucks, Nordstroms or some event outside of your party experience… and someone says, “How’s your day going?” and you say, “Life is so good!  I have a great family, great husband and my career is unbelievable.  I love it!” Obviously they’re going to say, “What do you do?”

When you say, “I’m a consultant for XYZ company,” it doesn’t mean anything to them.  It’s so typical and average.  It’s not engaging.  You have to think about what you’re really saying and how it’s interpreted. There’s no tagline with a mission that attracts a conversation.  Simon on American Idol would say, “It sounds like karaoke singing in a bar! Ha ha!”


When you hear, “Wow, what do you do?” you could say, “I represent the greatest skincare, image and spa product company in the world…. I give women a break from the hustle and bustle of life to hang out with their friends, drink wine and get PAMPERED… that’s what I do!”

Do you hear the mission in that? I remember those days when I was holding five parties a week. The core of what I believed was that I gave women a break from the hustle and craziness of life to hang out with friends, drink wine and play in jewelry. That’s what I believed, that’s what I did, and that’s what many of my clients in my Million Dollar Protégé Program honestly believe and are experiencing as well.  They know that people love their parties and that’s what I want for you.

You might not even realize that deep down, the core reason you’re not getting bookings is because you really feel like it’s a boring business or people really don’t want to do a party, or you honestly feel that it’s not worth women’s time to come to a party; that they should be doing something else with their time. And the reason you feel that is because that’s what you think about yourself.  I know it sounds crazy but think about it for a moment.

We sell fun, and if your life is a life full of responsibility and you’re not having any fun, that’s what you truly believe and exude… and most often you’ll attract the same.  Like attracts like!

How do you change that?  Slow down and create an awesome experience that you’ll be proud of–an experience that will ‘wow’ your guests! That will change your belief.

Living an EXTRAORDINARY life is a choice.  What’s yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.

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