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068 – Interview with Theresa Proctor

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About Theresa

I believe each of us have been bestowed many talents from God and our deepest intention is to activate those gifts and pay them forward.

My guest Theresa Proctor has done that and more!

Solution-Based Thinking…Out-of-the-Box Creativity and a heart for others are a few of the phenomenal qualities that navigated the success of Theresa Proctor. As a Diamond Executive Vice President, Presidential Founder and 2 Star Diamond Club Earner, Theresa has earned several accolades of recognition including the coveted Rising Star and Butterfly Awards within her company. She has earned every incentive travel and several top organizational awards as well.

Theresa has mastered the law of addition by adding value to countless lives in her day to day walk and as a success coach, mentor and national trainer. Through her leadership, thousands have benefited from debt elimination, greater self-esteem, a flowing wealth stream and personal transformation.

Theresa enjoys her journey as one of the top income earners in her company and finds joy in developing leaders across the United States while helping these leaders to achieve their personal and professional goals.

She has co-starred in the national Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry commercial which airs on Black Entertainment Television, The WORD Network, VH1 and Bravo cable channels. Theresa has served on the Board of Directors with Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce, Prince George’s Schools Business Alliance Committee, Sisters 4 Sisters Organization and as a Mission of Love Charities Advisory Council.Theresa finds fulfillment in serving God, spending time with family and helping others.

I have a feeling this interview will change your life. Let’s dive into our interview with Theresa Proctor!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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067 – Interview with Julie Weatherhold

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About Julie

In Marianne Williamson’s bestselling book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work Money and Miracles, she writes, “While the power of negativity is clear to most everyone, the power of vigorous positivity receives short shrift in comparison. Positivity is more than the absence of the negative; it is the presence through thoughts, word and action of the positive. If we’re interested in creating miracles, in invoking the most powerful creative manifestation, we must proactively be positive.”

Our guest, Julie Weatherhold, radiates positivity in all that she does and who she is. She owns it! Julie is a former educator and after joining her direct sales company for a little fun, she soon saw the vision to build her dream career and bring her talent of inspiring and educating others to her ever growing team.

In just 18 months, she has built an organization of over 600 and promoted to the senior executive level. Her passion is empowering women to evolve to their greatest capacity. Julie is inspiring, focused, driven and radiates joy at the highest level.

It’s time for you to experience Julie Wetherhold!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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Peggy Riggins for the Leadership Lifeline

066 – Interview with Peggy Riggins

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About Peggy

When we live by our purpose, all the hosts of heaven show up in our lives. We seem to attract the ideal situations, people and opportunities to gift our purpose to others.

Our guest, Peggy Riggins, lives her life with purpose. In fact, all of Peggy’s decisions revolve around her purpose to bestow wellness and vitality to the world and to engage others to be intentional about honoring the mind, body and spirit!

Peggy has built a very successful organization and was able to leave her career as a pharmacist to pursue her passion within her direct sales company.

Peggy is faith driven, passionate, inspiring and loves evoking the potential in everyone that crosses her path.  I believe her success in life comes from living an authentic life, walking her talk and leading by example.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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065 – Interview with Adriane Muehleisen

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About Adriane

I know, without a shadow of doubt, our interview with Adriane Muehleisen will blow you away!

Adriane has a mission to coach and mentor women to become the greatest rendition of themselves.  She discovered her purpose early on when she realized how happy she was to have the freedom to raise her four children outside of a traditional job and realized she wanted other women to have that same opportunity!

Adriane is an executive leader and founding member of her company and has an innate ability to evoke vision in others and a gift of leading them to resources that support their development and coach them on how to take action!

She is precise, articulate and wise! I believe her success comes from challenging herself to take action in areas of her life that make her uncomfortable.  Adriane courageously moves through obstacles with faith and determination!

Let’s dive into our interview with Adriane Muehleisen!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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064- Interview with Heidi McNall

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About Heidi

I have had the pleasure of coaching Heidi McNall for a year, and had one major observation that changed my life. Heidi doesn’t sweat the small stuff and doesn’t focus on the problem, she focuses on the solution. Heidi has built a multi-million dollar business with her direct sales company and continues to positively impact the lives of thousands of people. In fact Heidi’s team has actually sold over $18 million in one month.

Heidi has been in the direct sales industry since 1997 but found her ideal fit 4 1/2 years ago. She’s currently the only leader who has achieved the Executive Director position in her company. Heidi is authentic, honest, steadfast, wise, determined and consistent and her focus is to live in a state positivity, integrity and to persevere regardless of the circumstance. I believe her success in life comes from living an authentic life, truly walking her talk and just leading by example.

Listen at 7 min & 25 sec, to Steve & Heidi talk about how she overcame her obstacles, and what realizations she has made to get to the point she is at today with her Direct Sales Business.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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063 – Interview with Tai Street

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About Tai

Faith and guidance from the Holy Spirit has led Tai Street to opportunities that have changed her life from struggling to empowering women with the fact that anything they want in life is possible through self evolution.

Tai remembers the day she took action with her Direct Sales opportunity. She was in prayer, ironing clothes and all the sudden a memory came into her mind. Tai had a credit card set aside with $1,000.00 for emergencies only and Tai took a leap of faith, ordered the most expensive kit and all the hosts of heaven opened the portal of opportunity.

Tai Street has been with her company for 7 and a half years, is a Platinum Executive Director & National Trainer who has opened up three major markets for her company. She has just about earned every award possible for sales, recruiting, leadership and numerous all expense paid trips.

Listen to this awesome podcast and leave your feedback below!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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062 – Interview with Robin Brooke

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About Robin

Robin Brooke has devoted her life to her husband Paul and their four children. Robin is all about family and what she really wanted deep down was a career that honored her core values. Isn’t it interesting that sometimes adversity is disguised as a life changing opportunity?

Robin’s corporate company experienced a huge layoff and her husband’s business changed radically in the health and insurance industry. They then had to move from their home in to a temporary living arrangement. Even during these difficult times, Robin chose to find the good and focus on gratitude. Through continuing faith and attracting the ideal opportunity she noticed a post from her high school friend on Facebook which interested her. She decided to take action.

Robin Brooke now holds the prestigious titles of Executive Director & Presidential Founder within her Direct Sales Company with over 1,000 consultants in her organization! Robin is passionate about serving her team to her greatest capacity and has a deep appreciation for the relationships she has developed within her organization. Allow me to introduce Robin Brooke!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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061 – Interview with Kim Weatherford

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About Kim

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Kim Weatherford has built an organization of over 4,000 team members in less than two years and attributes her success to plugging herself into constant education, being coached and stepping into action.

In February of 2014 Kim’s mission was born. A mission to share the unique opportunity of Direct Sales and her company with women struggling in life. A mission to help woman take charge of their life by guiding them to create their own strong economy.

At 18 minutes, hear Kim share her perspective on the job market today and the importance of our youth to have a back up plan such as a Direct Sales Business in their back pocket. Kim has achieved the highest position within her company. She is passionate, inspirational and empowering. Get ready to meet Kim Weatherford!

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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060 – Interview with Meighan Hopper

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About Meighan

This leader truly ROCKS! Meighan Hopper is one passionate and energetic direct sales professional and is all about giving everyone the extraordinary rock star service experience. This theme permeates through her organization.

Listen at 11 MIN:50 SEC to hear how Meighan turned her fears upside down and put herself on a path to success.

If you want to ROCK your direct sales business, this interview is a must hear for you.

Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.
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