You have an opportunity to receive a leadership business evaluation session and leadership curriculum valued at over $500. Every year the coaches at Lifeline give back to leaders during our ninety-day “Outreach Program” by coaching 300 leaders on the four pathways to building a thriving business and a life of vitality.
Lifeline is committed to continually offering the highest quality of leadership training for our members in our Million Dollar Protégé Leadership Program. Through our “Outreach Program,” we are able to serve our industry and deepen our awareness as to the challenges leaders are facing in our industry as well as the choices leaders are making to leverage their time and achieve greater results.
All leaders who complete the following questionnaire by answering each of the questions will be
placed in a drawing. Each week from April 22nd through July 15th, Lifeline will draw twenty five
entries. Each winner will receive a business evaluation session and leadership curriculum from
Steve’s Million Dollar Protégé Leadership Program valued at over $500.
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What’s yours?
Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.