You and I are worthy of living a life of bliss, fulfillment and abundance, but unless we’re clear about what that is, and unless we put our time, treasures and talents into that vision, it’s inevitable that we’re going to experience much of the same kind of life that we’ve been living. Why? Life doesn’t change unless we change!
So, what is an action plan?
An action plan is a blueprint that supports the creation of your intention. There are two very important aspects of an action plan. First, the actions you will take to become the person you must become in order to bring your desires to fruition. Meaning success doesn’t just derive from what you do, it’s who you are. The big question you will want to constantly ask yourself is, “Who must I become in order to attract my deepest intentions to my front door?” Then become it!
One half of your action plan is to distinguish the kind of person you are becoming. The other half of the action plan is the ‘doing’ aspect of the plan: what you will do in order to support the creation of your intention. An action plan is a list of steps, commitments or actions you must take, including target dates for their completion.
An action plan guides you to conceptualize and pursue an intention as if it were a single project.
It is all the necessary steps and strategies for completing your intention and it’s all on one page, which makes monitoring your progress an easy task. Eventually you’ll want to have each of your action items scheduled in your calendar on either a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.
When you identify your two professional intentions, you’ll most likely realize that you’ve been chasing several carrots instead of focusing on the single most important intention that’s up close and personal to you. When you do, your priorities will change and you’ll let go of the less important tasks or practices.
Your action plan will grow and change as you become more aware of the specific activities and practices that provide the greatest results.
- After you clarify each intention ask yourself, “What education do I need to learn in order to support the outcome of my intention?” What might I change or enhance that would significantly increase my results?”
- Interview two or three leaders or representatives that have achieved an intention similar to yours.
- Distinguish the action items for each of your intentions.
This training is from the ‘Designing Your Life & Business Plan‘ free webinar. Click here to view that webinar for a limited time.
Creating an extraordinary life is a choice. What's yours?Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.