In the middle of living an abundant life Tara Locklear’s family was turned upside down with the loss of her husband’s job. Years prior Tara had left her teaching position to stay home with her 3 children. After many tearful nights of prayer God brought Direct Sales into Tara’s life. Little did she know that the journey Tara was about to take would transform her life. Tara’s passion quickly became helping others find financial freedom and empowering them to become their very best version of themselves from the inside out.
Tara Locklear’s business grew rapidly and a six-figure income was realized in her first full year of dedication. Her team quickly rose to the top and has currently sold well over 50 million dollars while earning several million dollars personally. In addition, Tara has received national top achievement recognition with her company every year since.
“Never in my life did I imagine God could use me and this industry to change so many lives.” – Tara Locklear